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Fs In Ten Years?

Marc W.

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One thing about each FS generation - it always looked better and more real (despite misgivings some have about framerates of FSX on old machines or whatever) ... anyway ... what do you think we will see in ten years?

A few ideas ---

- no more need for gpus ... clusters of gpus run everything, 3d-graphics are computed using modern ray-tracing algorithms better and faster as the best gpus today ...

- hardware is available online, i.e. no more need for harddiscs or expensive setups, the homecomputer is more or less nothing but a terminal with wireless connections to huge projectors and virtual input devices - 3d-projections of cockpits in all shapes ... we are seeing the beginnings of that stuff today ...

- scenery is available online in huge libraries, like Google Earth today, just with much more data ... everything will be downloaded in real-time ... highest precision up to single trees (it's all in the libraries - the exact shape of - say a tree - is then extrapolated by the computers when needed - say "fir tree type B7 height xxx at position yz" - like with midi-music-files)

About AI ... that works pretty well already ... more refinements like AI passengers stepping out of shuttle buses, boarding the plane ...

Massive online community integration of course on several levels - "players" can be not only pilots or sit in the tower, they can be passengers, flight attendents - well - pretty much anybody.

How will companies like Aerosoft will be making money? By providing access to all that stuff online :)

Just a few thoughts ... what do you expect?

But then - perhaps the system of "virtual money" we are having today will finally crash and we all will live in caves ;)

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I wouldn't be surprised if in 10 years M$F$ is as dead as Elvis Presley, Microsoft isn't putting stuff in their sim that can be consider the standard for games, They leap like 3-5 years behind it.

So when someone finally comes up with a sim that really includes everything new and is as easy to use as Microsoft's flight simulator, there is a great change that it would be a good bye for MSFS, Unless they finally get the wake-up call, And start finally making sims that aren't already 4 years old at release.

Lets take FS98 and FSX, That's almost then years of Microsoft flight simulation right there, And how much has changed.... Not that much actually, Yeah, The graphics got a update one in a while, Sometimes they added new features, But was there a fundamental change? NO!

All what they did was very basic updating, If what they are saying at Aces is true (And things that Aces say are as believable as UFOs) and they are working on a new base for FS, Then they will probably also use that for a long time, with basic updating, So don't count on what you're typing here, At least not from Microsoft.


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I would be supprised if FS11 came with a significantly improved aicraft and atmosphere physics. FSX mainly sells by what the screenshots look like on the back of tha package. And physics are nothing you can see in a screenshot. So far they have only given a hint about characters and an improved "living world". It will be interesting if addon developers go along with a completely new approach or if it will be the end of FS just as CFS 3 was the end of the combat flight sim series.

Hopefully XPlane will improve further as well and get more user friendly - to keep the competition alive.

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I think that if FS survivies another 10 years (and I hope it does) it will be drastically different from what we have today in many ways, would not be surprised if it came out on some sort of super console, i already hear that IL2 is getting an x-box 360 release, not sure about PS3, and I've seen a basic HOTAS console controller out for it already. if it does go the way of some future unreleased console i hope we can still have add ons and tweaks like we do today.

It seems just now MS Aces are intent on diversifying, TS2 will be out before FS11, would not be surprised if a future version had these two as compatible alsong with other themes, folks have been asking MS to do a military sim since CFS3.

It will be interesting to see how it all shapes out, cant help but feel we might have the same problems with FS11 that FSX had, DX11 has been announced, DX10 was a bit of a white elephant and arguably so was vista, FS11 will be out perhaps around the time of the next MS OS and it will have to to be at least DX10 DX11 Vista nd new MS OS compatible, I doubt FS11 will get much support for XP :(

We'll see.

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